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Pathfinder Kids 2025

Pathfinder Kids 2025

Welcome to PFK! 

We are so glad you joined us here online!

If you would like to have access to family curriculum for PFK kids, please use this Link:

If you would like to join our weekly emails OR have questions,  please email: as we will add you to our weekly mailing list for family learning together updates.

We have been learning about church, why it exists, as we study Acts.  First, we learned that God did not leave the early church alone, he sent his Holy Spirit.  Then the church learned to organize themselves, and to work together.  We learned that we are all part of one body of Christ!  He draws us rogether and helps us always.  God sent Paul to help the early church learn how to follow Jesus!

Pathway Community Church is committed to supporting you with resources so that your child can learn more about who Jesus is through age-appropriate curriculum

Current curriculum: Lifeway Resouces The Gospel Project for Elementary and Dwell curriculum for Birth through Pre-K

Additional resources are listed below, please search online for your favorite retailer to purchase:

The Explorer Bible for Kids, CSB publisher

The Action Bible, David C Cook Publishers

NLT Go Bible for Kids, Tyndale publishers

The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones

The Gospel Flipper Flapper, CEF Press

Many of these publishers have additional resources and languages available.

Focus on the Family:


Lifeway: Parents resource book

    Wholly Kids -Guiding Kids to a Life in Christ

Kids Answers:


Search online for :

  • Music machine by Candle
  • Historical radio series: Ranger Bill (Moody)
  • Buck Denver-"Whats in the Bible?"
  • Veggie Tales


  • Max Lucado kids books
  • The Incredible Worlds of Wally McDougal by Bill Meyers -out of print but available used

Older Elementary:

  • Chuck Black allegory series
  • Tales of the Kingdom by Maines- out of print but available used
  • C.S. Lewis Narnia series-look for the audio series/radio broadcast series
  • Danny Orlis Series by Bernard Palmer
  • Sugar Creek Gang by Paul Hutchins

Moody Radio has many music stations of various genres

Pathway is committed to growing Jesus followers starting from birth onwards. Our family focused ministry encourages your family to follow Jesus together! On Sundays, Pathway teaches children using biblically based curriculum for age appropriate teaching every Sunday. In our nursery we include birth through PreK where we cover the teachings of the whole Bible in a yearly rotation along with lots of fun together.  As your children gain beginning reading and writing skills, they join our Elementary group. This group digs into the whole Bible together over three year cycles with a Bible memory focus. Once your child finishes 5th grade they are prepared to be a part of our dynamic Junior High youth group where they will continue to deepen and personalize their faith. 

As a PFK family, we send encouragement each week to allow you to walk through what your children are learning together as a family at home. As a Biblically based church, Pathway provides the background for you to lead your family towards knowing Jesus better every day.

So come have fun with us as we learn who God has revealed himself to be, how we can work together to follow God, and what God's plan is for our lives each and every day!

We are praying for you. When you create space in your lives to spend time in the Scriptures with your children, God will bless it.