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Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling


The heart of our counseling ministry comes from John 10:10.

We desire to see all people live in the abundant life offered to us by Jesus. 



To offer TRUE hope and healing to those who are hurting.


How to Accomplish that Mission

We believe in the power of the Bible to answer the problems of life. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We use the Bible as the foundation to minister to hurting people.


Our Hope for You!

At Pathway we understand that all of us will encounter, loss, betrayal, stress, unhappiness, or many other kinds of hurt. We believe that Jesus and the Bible are sufficient to offer us hope and healing in the midst of these struggles. That is why we believe that by offering Biblical counseling we can offer hope to those who are hurting.


What should expect from a counseling session?

1.You will have a counselor that cares about your situation and will treat you with the utmost care and respect.

2.You will be encouraged to think and respond Biblically.

3.What you share will remain confidential.


If you would like to meet with a Biblical counselor, please click the link below and someone from our team will be in touch!