Back to Sermon ArchiveMarch 22, 2020
Lie #5: If only I could change _____, then everything would be great.
Series: Relationslips Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: James 5:7–12
March 15, 2020
Lie #4: If I just had more money I'd be happy.
Series: Relationslips Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: James 5:1–6
March 8, 2020
Lie #3: I control my future
Series: Relationslips Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: James 4:13–17
March 1, 2020
Lie #2: I'm not the problem, you are."
Series: Relationslips Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: James 4:11–12
February 23, 2020
Lie #1: "If I just had ______, then I'd be happy."
Series: Relationslips Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: James 4:1–10