Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America
Back to Sermon ArchiveAugust 16, 2020
Remain Faithful: We're Going Home Soon
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11
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August 9, 2020
Heavenly Citizenship has its Hardships
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: Philippians 1:27–30
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August 2, 2020
Ambassadors of Heaven
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:11–21
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July 26, 2020
Love = Giving up your Rights for the Sake of the Gospel
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: 1 Corinthians 9:1–27
July 19, 2020
Do Not Judge Each Other
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: Romans 14:1–12
July 12, 2020
Consider Others More Significant than Yourself
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: Philippians 2:1–11
July 5, 2020
When do we Submit?
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Passage: Romans 13:1–10
June 28, 2020
How do we Relate to the Government?
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: 1 Peter 2:13–17
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June 21, 2020
Values Matter
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: Matthew 5:1–12
June 14, 2020
God's Kingdom is not of this World
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: John 18:33–38
June 7, 2020
One New Nation
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: Ephesians 2:19–22
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May 31, 2020
Citizens of Heaven First
Series: Citizens of Heaven...Residents of America Topic: Pathway (Series) Sermons Passage: Philippians 3:17–21
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