At Pathway we are followers of Jesus making disciples as we go. Jesus showed us that the most effective way to do this is through one-on-one discipleship. That's why he calls us to be his disciples so we can learn to follow him and help others do the same.
So what is discipleship?
Discipleship is one person helping another person love, follow and obey Jesus Christ in every area of their life. We believe this happens best in the context of personal relationships. A more seasoned believer walking alongside a newer believer listening, encouraging, equipping, and directing them to know and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
Keep in mind that being a disciple of Jesus requires both knowledge of the truth about Jesus and obedience to him. Together, these are like two wings of an airplane. Just like you need both wings to fly, you need both knowledge of the truth and obedience to be a disciple of Jesus. If you only know the truth but don’t obey it, you are not following him. And if you don’t know what to obey, or obey the wrong things, then you are not following him. A disciple of Jesus both knows the truth about Jesus and obeys him.
What does the pathway of discipleship look like?
Below are the 4 signposts along the pathway of discipleship. These are not meant to be linear, but circular in that a person who comes to know and follow Jesus, serves others and helps them come to know and follow him.
As you will see below, under each signpost we have identified three characteristics of what a healthy, growing disciple of Jesus looks. We invite you to examine these characteristics in order to make the following assessments:
1. Where are you at today on the pathway of discipleship?
2. Where would you like to be in six months?
3. What do you need to take the next step?
Come and see Jesus (John 1:35-42)
• I know there is more to life than the here and now, work and pleasure. (Ecclesiastes 2:1-26, 3:8-20 and 12:9-14)
• I believe God created me for a relationship with Him, but my sin has broken this relationship and led me to worship created things instead of the Creator (Romans 1:18-25).
• I choose to turn from my idols and trust only in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).
Follow Jesus (John 1:43-51)
• I believe I now have a new identity in Jesus Christ and I have shown this by getting baptized (Romans 6:1-14).
• I am growing in learning to obey God’s word (i.e. spiritual disciplines such as reading my bible, prayer, giving, witnessing) (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
• I understand the importance of belonging to the body of Christ and I show this by regular participation in corporate worship, a Missional Community and Membership. (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Serve Jesus (John 13:1-15)
• I seek to live a life responsive to God’s Holy Spirit (Romans 8:1-11).
• I see all of life, my work, my relationships, my time as an opportunity to glorify God (Colossians 3:17).
• I recognize the schemes of Satan and am equipped to stand against them (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Help others come to know and follow Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20)
• I regularly pray for the lost (Rom 10:1-3).
• I regularly share my faith in Jesus Christ with unbelievers (Romans 10:10-17).
• I am actively engaged in helping others come to know and follow Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20).
If you are interested in either being discipled, or being a disciplee, please contact us.